Monday, September 30, 2013

Partisan Politics is Hazardous to Health and Happiness

Partisan politics is hazardous to one’s health and happiness.

Stress, especially acute and chronic distress, is a primary health hazard.

I'm so sorry for continuing distress due to partisan politics. (Today, September 30, 2013, the 24 hour news reports another impending US government "shut-down" that causes alarm, worries, hateful name-calling, and more stressors.)

Some years ago I made a choice, as best I can, to avoid partisan political distress, both for my own and others' health and happiness.

I choose to be non-partisan.

I have family and friends who call themselves democrats, republicans, libertarians, independents, and more.

I also choose not to ridicule anyone for their chosen beliefs. And, I ask for the same consideration in return, thank you.

And so I avoid getting too close to those who prefer to engage in cruel ridicule of others rather than communicate kindly with consideration for those who have different beliefs.

Of course, in order to remain an active citizen of the United States of American, I also have to do my diligent duty to study and monitor what my government and its leaders and representatives are doing and saying.

So, I read and listen and communicate as best I can with my fellow citizens since together "We the People" are responsible for our government.

Yes, I have chosen to be non-partisan in my hopeful support for Constitutional good government, a better America, a more hopeful freedom-oriented prosperous future and equal justice for all.

So, I'm very sorry for extremely divisive partisan politics that will always distress about half the nation whenever a minority may be ignored, punished, pursued, and disparaged all because they are the minority.

Partisan political distress is hazardous to one's happiness and health, as well as destructive of relationships.

We each may choose to be less divisive, less partisan, less cruel in our actions and words.
Most Divisive Laws in Last 100 Years in America

I remain hopeful for a brighter, less divided America in years to come when more of "We the People" choose to be less partisan in our politics and more considerate of all minorities, including political minorities. Yes, I choose to be hopeful, too.

Hope is better for health and happiness and a good antidote to partisan political distress. Best wishes to us all.

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